Monday, November 16, 2015

Spectre Review

Only two weeks after its initial release comes my review of the new James Bond film, Spectre. I am sorry I couldn't get this out sooner but its score on Rotten Tomatoes made it the last movie I saw on my four movies in one weekend binge and honestly I can understand why.

James Bond, played by Daniel Craig, discovers a shadowy league called Spectre which is lead by Ernst Stavro Blofeld, played by Christoph Waltz. His discovery leads him to protect a woman, played by Lea Seydoux, who is the daughter of one of his dying enemies. From there, action ensues, secrets are revealed and Bond gets in some snappy one liners.

My biggest problem in the film is Christoph Waltz as Blofeld. This is the actor that played the gloriously evil Nazi general in Inglorious Bastards, this should've been a cake walk for him. He doesn't do a bad job but he never comes off as interesting, which has been the problem of most Bond and even Marvel villains.

Aside from that the movie is descent. Its entertaining, Daniel Craig and Lea Seydoux give great performances, the action scenes are great and it goes back to one of the best Bond storylines. So why are people not going nuts for this film? My opinion, its because we got a better action film and a better spy film earlier this year. Fury Road  and Rogue Nation gave us fun yet dramatic action filled adventure and honestly I would choose those over the latest Bond movie. Yes, I would say the recent Bond movies have more style than the Mission Impossible films but for me Mission Impossible is a more fun movie and it had some clever twists.

Spectre, while not a bad film, does not live up to the expectations set by the summer action films. It's villain does not feel interesting and at times the story becomes too much to remember but great performances from its two leads and some great actions scenes more than make up for these problems for the film to be a good sit.

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