Sunday, October 4, 2015

The Walk Review

When I first saw that Robert Zemeckis, director of the classic Back to the Future franchise and award nominated film Flight, was going to direct a movie about Phillippe Pettit's walk between the Twin Towers I instantly knew I had to see it in IMAX 3D. It is one of the most breath taking experiences I have felt since Gravity came out a few years ago. I missed the chance to see that in an IMAX theater and I was not going to pass up that opportunity again. But before we get to the awe inspiring 3D lets get to the story.

Joseph Gordon Levitt plays Phillippe Petit, a French wire walker who is constantly looking for the perfect place to hang his wire. His skilled wire walking comes from the teachings of one Papa Rudy, played by Ben Kingsley. He hangs his wire between street lights, over ponds and even across the Notre Dame cathedral. During one of his performance's he meets a girl named Annie, played by Charlotte Le Bon. They start a relationship and Petit tells her that the perfect place to hang his wire would be between the unfinished World Trade towers in New York. After a few months, Petit and Annie go to New York and from their the film becomes a heist movie. Petit has to assemble a crew for his "coup" so that everything can go to plan. As the norm per heist movies, drama occurs and the crew is pushed to the limit to make the "coup" go as planned. Eventually everything is set up to where Petit can do his performance.

Once the wire walk begins the audience is transported to a whole new world. The IMAX 3D makes it look like you are up there with Petit as he attempts his life threating feat. This is the part where anyone afraid of heights should look away. There are some shots where you can see what is green screened in but then the shots that are good are mind blowing good. This is feat is not something you can half-ass. The minute the audience feels its fake, the movie loses its touch. But not with this movie. The World Trade walk scene is one of the most breathtaking scenes in the movie.

The movie is well acted and well directed. Levitt brings a combination of confidence and charm that makes you want to see this person achieve their goals. And while the film is about the walk in general, it is also a love letter to the World Trade Center towers. The feelings shared by Petit may echo the same feelings in certain audience members. Petit fell in love with the towers and would probably regard it as one of his favorite places. He even has a lifetime pass to go up to the observatory deck. A downside to the film is that some of the heist members may feel a little cliché to some but for me I found them to be enjoyable.

My final thoughts are go see this movie in IMAX while you still can. I stand by that it is the only way to really experience this movie. I expect to see this get a nod for an Academy Award but it is still early into award movie season and there are strong contenders like The Martian, Sicario, Hateful Eight and even Star Wars: The Force Awakens that may end up beating it at the awards.

Rating: A

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