Monday, October 26, 2015

Sicario Review

If I took away anything from Sicario it is that you do not want to piss off Benicio Del Toro's character Alejandro.

Sicario follows an FBI agent played by Emily Blunt. She is put on a task force that is led by Josh Brolin and Del Toro whose goal is to aid the fight in the war on drugs going on at the Arizona border. As she spends more time on the team she begins to question everything she believes in order to survive.

Del Toro plays Alejandro, an assassin with a past that is mysterious for most of the movie. But it is revealed in the films finale that (WARNING: SPOILER ALERT) Alejandro's purpose for joining the task force is to get revenge on a drug lord that beheaded his wife and pushed his daughter in a bed of acid. It is this revelation that puts Del Toro's character in a new perspective. In the beginning the audience could believe him as a stern assassin who cares nothing for no one. As the film progresses he starts to show some affection towards Blunt, saying that she reminds him of someone he loved. But his emotions flip as at times he can be cool and collective but other times he is a cold merciless killer.

If I could choose another film to compare this to it would be Nightcrawler. You are constantly deciding whether you support what the character is doing. The person does horrible things that no normal person would do, but they do it in order to achieve a goal that most people desire.

Sicario is an interesting drama and suspense movie. If you enjoyed something like Nightcrawler I would recommend this film.

Grade: A

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