Thursday, May 19, 2016

Captain America: Civil War Review

     Captain America: Civil War is, in my own opinion, one of the best superhero/ comic book movie of all time. It's writing is strong, its characters have depth, it continues the story of many Marvel movies, introduces new characters perfectly, and all the characters have proper motivation to be fighting each other. I will say though, it is getting harder and harder for casual movie goers to jump into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Civil War is the 13th film in the M.C.U. and is a follow up movie to most of the Marvel movies. One of the biggest problems of the M.C.U. is that there is no easy jump in point, you have to have followed the universe to know who is who and what is going on.

What is going on is that after the events of Age of Ultron, specifically the destruction of the nation of Sokovia, The Avengers are split on an accords plan that would have the United Nations monitor and control The Avengers. Tony Stark, a.k.a Iron Man, supports the accords while Captain America does not as it would hinder his search for his friend Bucky Barnes, The Winter Soldier. Their disagreement splits the team in half and now its Team Cap vs Team Iron Man.

The movie does a good job juggling a lot of characters and their stories. You have the feud between Cap and Iron Man, as well as Cap looking for and helping Bucky, plus the introduction of characters like Spider Man and Black Panther who both give show stealing performances. Yes there are a lot of characters but each of them are given time to leave an impression on you.

And yeah lets talk about Spider Man. He's great and Tom Holland does a great job with the character of Peter Parker. I like how in this version you feel like he is a teenager, which was one of the major things that got people interested in Spider Man. You can have guys like Batman or Captain America but they do not speak to most people like Spider Man does. Spider Man is a teenager who hasn't been doing this a very long time like most of The Avengers have, he makes little jokes during fights and for the first time in his movie portrayal does not have a 35 year old playing a teenager.

Civil War also, in my opinion, succeeds where Batman V. Superman failed. Where Batman V. Superman crammed all this new information and events in one movie, Civil War has the advantage in that most characters and their personalities have been established before this. It also gives a better light to the argument Batman V. Superman tried to do, is what should be done the right thing to be done? do heroes need checks and balances? All very important questions Batman V. Superman raised but they were overshadowed by the already dense story. Heck, this movie basically asked the same questions Daredevil's second season did with The Punisher. Is what Frank Castle did right? Should be praised or vilified for his actions? But what this movie and Daredevil have that Batman V. Superman doesn't is that there is clear a grey area between arguments and that the argument is in the fore front and not stuffed behind a bunch of other plots.

Captain America: Civil War is the superhero movie that should please both casual movie goers and long time Marvel fans. Each character has their moment to shine and the scene at the airport is one of the best action scenes I've seen in a superhero movie. If I had to say something negative is that the story can be confusing to anyone not familiar with the Marvel universe and it can be a slow burn to the action scenes. I remember hearing the person next to me start snoring during once all the action had slowed down too much. But even with that, the movie is still entertaining and fun to watch. Time will tell if the Marvel movies hold up but for now, this one is one of the best.

Grade: A+

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