Thursday, July 23, 2015

Trainwreck Review

It's hard for a comedy movie to do well in the battle of summer blockbusters with the various comic book and action movies coming out. But every year their seems to be one comedy movie that does really well in summer. Last year it was Wes Anderson's Oscar nominated film The Grand Budapest Hotel and this year it is Judd Apatow's Trainwreck. Apatow has a knack for directing comedies that focus on  adults growing up in the world, an idea that is rarely seen well in the movie world. Apatow is responsible for directing comedy classics like Knocked Up and The 40 Year-Old Virgin and was the creator of the cult-classic television show Freaks and Geeks. While this film has the same premise as the previous two films he directed, an adult having to grow up and learn how to live in the adult world, the Amy Schumer written story about a woman giving up her youthful ways is another .

The premise for the movie is that Amy Schumer plays a woman named Amy Townsed that leads a promiscuous lifestyle ever since her father divorced her mother and drilled into her head that monogamy is not realistic. After years and years of sleeping with one can only assume thousands of other men, Amy feels like she is in a rut. Her rut breaks when she meets sports doctor Aaron Conners, played by Bill Hader, because she has to write a profile about him for the magazine she works at. But soon Amy realizes that she is falling in love with the doctor and what makes it weirder for her is that the doctor loves her back Amy then starts to wonder if now is the time to clean up her act.

It is no secret that since Amy Schumer wrote this that some of her own personal experiences would flow into her character. Anyone who has seen Schumer's stand up and or television show on Comedy Central will notice the similarities between character and creator. But while the Schumer and Hader love story is funny and heart-warming the real comedy comes from the athlete cameos. Basketball superstar LeBron James provides some of my favorite funny moments in the film, even holding an intervention for Hader's character that has NBA commentator Marv Albert doing hilarious real time commentary. There is also a subplot revolving around Conners having to do knee surgery on Amare Stoudemire. Although his is where the movie will become a little dated as it shows Amare with the Knicks when at the moment he just signed with Miami but it can be glanced over.

Fans of both Apatow and Schumer can feel relieved that this movie did not turn out to be a disaster but rather another great addition to the Apatow collection. Schumer, Hader and even LeBron himself give some hilarious performances and the story is that of Apatow movie. If you are not a fan of Schumer's comedy or the themes of previous Apatow films than I would recommend something else. But if you're looking for a good summer comedy that also deals with deep themes like growing up I would highly recommend buying a ticket to see Trainwreck.

Grade: B +

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